update terbaru untuk suspension aku. Disebabkan masalah suspension depan aku yg agaknya dh leaking/rosak. bila laju je dia jd membuai2 sebelah co-driver depan shj. kronik tui. jd sempena aku balik kl hujung minggu g usha2 kejap dkt kakimotor usj. usha2 time tu byk gak pilihan adjustable. yg aku nampak ada HWL, GAB, ProRS Kayaba dan ZERONE.

gambar kotak
apa yg buat aku tertarik dgn ZERONE nie adalah sebab set dia dtg dgn hi-lo dan soft-hard. mcm best je. harga pun ok rasa aku. rm2.4k with installation. reasonable.
kalau aku buat perbandingan, beli GAB hi-lo adjustable dkt rm1.8k , pricing ok. tp bila nanti dh konbet enjin which is more heavier spring kena tkr lg. dh bape? same goes to HWL. pikir2 td. elok amik je yg ZERONE nie so far lum ada bad feedback lg. yg penting dpt 1thn warranty dan leh servis.
maybe ramai pertikaikan nape tak beli je tien type ha. harga br rm2.2k. murah lg. aku lak pikir lg. nape nak beli yg rm2.2k 2nd hand sedangkan tambah sikit boleh dpt baru. lebih2 lg kalau recond. paham2 je la. bila aku pikir2 kadang2 diorang mcm jual nama tien je, amik dr adjustable yg rosak, recond cat warna hijau. letak label tien. dkt kepong pun ada org boleh buat mcm nie. terpulang lah...
nie product detail
ZERONE SSR Series Full Adjustable Suspension - Honda Civic EK / SO4 SSR Series Full Adjustable Suspension
ZERONE SSR (Super Street Racing) Series Full Adjustable Suspension offers sporty yet comfortable ride; Hi / Lo height adjustments and Soft / Hard damping force adjustments (compression & rebound) - 16 steps. It features twin-tube internal construction, larger piston diameter and trivalent rainbow coating damper body with zinc coated thread section. It’s serviceable and comes with 1 year manufacturer warranty. Available for most Proton and Honda cars.
This was the ideal solution for sportive drivers who wish to optimize their roadworthy vehicle for the race course. This full adjustable allow an independently adjustable traction and compression phase for an ideal running gear regulation according to the road conditions and the requirements of the driver. Thereby, the BODY SHIFT Technology ensures a constant flexibitly of an individual parts even during sportive sprints and raining use and therefore guarantees a long durability of the running gear.
- 16 Steps Damping force adjustments.
- O'ring & oil seal-special design to reduce leaking, longer life span, and heat resisting
- Ride-Height Adjustable
- One year Manufacture Warranty

masa proses pemasangan dkt kete aku bateri hnset habis, rugi takleh nak amik gambar buat simpanan. nie aku amik dr website pemasangan dkt honda civic ej.

Result;overall memuaskan, dr segi harga aku rasa reasonable lg compare to GAB fully adjustable. cornering setakat aku test, ok. setakat nie lalu potholes atau crossline ada gegar skit (GAB dgn AVCS takde gegar tau, tu aku suka GAB). maybe setting keras kot. dkt kalau tak silap aku 7 step soft depan, belakang 10 step . kalau aku salah sila perbetulkan.
step 1 (soft)-----8(middle)-----16(hard)
overall look sgt kacak, nanti aku amik gambor time nak adjust. aku suh dia buat 2jari je depan. nak kena 1 jari depan belakang br masyuuuukkk.
tu je terbaru.
dan terkini.. aku buat tinted kete aku, mulanya aku nak tiru style oem vi-rs, refer gambar bwh

(perhatikan, cermin depan hijau cermin belakang gelap ala privacy)

(kete abam akub ekd)

mine... mcm terlebih gelap je
aku tunjuk dkt kedai tinted tu mcm gambor kt atas, dia angguk je. aku pun ilek la tinggal kete pastuh jalan2 dgn member aku . balik2 je. sekali aku tgk . tinted agung daaaaa.. hitam berkilat. demmm. mau lari2 anak aku dgn jpj nanti.

amacam? nak rendah lg tak?

did i told yahh... tinted agung beb.
lg exterior pic