Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Kereta takleh start (masalah starter)
bangun pagi td cdgnye nak basuh kete. dh alihkan kereta masuk ke garaj skit . time start ada berat skit tp still boleh hidup. bila aku nak alihkan kete je. crank 2,3 kali takleh. aik?? sebelum nie memang aku suspek ada masalah dkt starter sebab pernah kereta aku susah nak hidup. aku buat tatau je. semalam pun time aku nak servis kereta, ada gak tanye2 kt bengkel 4GT pasal hi-speed starter nie. tup tup tup... dh kantoi.
cara nak tau starter problem ke tak?
1) mula2 cuba cek keadaan bateri. ok ke tak? nie leh detect. kalau bateri lemah pun susah nak start. tp masih boleh crank.... (gunakan volt meter untuk cek keadaan bateri)
2)kalau bateri ok, cuba tgk2 starter kita tu jenih apa? carbon brush ke? hi-speed ke?
untuk carbon brush starter dia guna berus karbon tu, manakala yg hi-speed lak dia guna gear. so kalau yang guna carbon brush tu kemungkinan carbon nak habis tu tinggi berbanding yang guna gear.
kalau guna carbon brush, cuba ketuk2 skit starter tu mana la tau dia terlekat ke? try start. tak ok jugak? langkah seterusnya.
3)cuba periksa keadaan wire dkt starter tu. maybe sudah ada yg lusuh. sila double check. kalau start still takleh gak. periksa keadaan relay starter. cuba by pass dan directkan. tak leh jugak?
4)bukak starter tu dr tempatnye. cuba connectkan yg terminal positif dan terminal negetive. cek kondisi dia. selalunye dr situ leh nampak samada dia ok atau tak. samada sudah jam atau tak. (untuk proses nie aku takleh cite detail sgt, sebab aku pun tgk je apa pomen tu buat. sowi)
5)kalau dh kompom tak elok. lastly tkr la starter lain. mcm aku nie , aku tukar kepada starter hi-speed original honda tp brg 2nd la. pasang semua. test start. terus hidup. -end-
bangun pagi td cdgnye nak basuh kete. dh alihkan kereta masuk ke garaj skit . time start ada berat skit tp still boleh hidup. bila aku nak alihkan kete je. crank 2,3 kali takleh. aik?? sebelum nie memang aku suspek ada masalah dkt starter sebab pernah kereta aku susah nak hidup. aku buat tatau je. semalam pun time aku nak servis kereta, ada gak tanye2 kt bengkel 4GT pasal hi-speed starter nie. tup tup tup... dh kantoi.
cara nak tau starter problem ke tak?
1) mula2 cuba cek keadaan bateri. ok ke tak? nie leh detect. kalau bateri lemah pun susah nak start. tp masih boleh crank.... (gunakan volt meter untuk cek keadaan bateri)
2)kalau bateri ok, cuba tgk2 starter kita tu jenih apa? carbon brush ke? hi-speed ke?
untuk carbon brush starter dia guna berus karbon tu, manakala yg hi-speed lak dia guna gear. so kalau yang guna carbon brush tu kemungkinan carbon nak habis tu tinggi berbanding yang guna gear.
kalau guna carbon brush, cuba ketuk2 skit starter tu mana la tau dia terlekat ke? try start. tak ok jugak? langkah seterusnya.
3)cuba periksa keadaan wire dkt starter tu. maybe sudah ada yg lusuh. sila double check. kalau start still takleh gak. periksa keadaan relay starter. cuba by pass dan directkan. tak leh jugak?
4)bukak starter tu dr tempatnye. cuba connectkan yg terminal positif dan terminal negetive. cek kondisi dia. selalunye dr situ leh nampak samada dia ok atau tak. samada sudah jam atau tak. (untuk proses nie aku takleh cite detail sgt, sebab aku pun tgk je apa pomen tu buat. sowi)
5)kalau dh kompom tak elok. lastly tkr la starter lain. mcm aku nie , aku tukar kepada starter hi-speed original honda tp brg 2nd la. pasang semua. test start. terus hidup. -end-
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sistem Audio
Bercakap pasal sistem audio nie aku bukanlah seorang yang pakar. apatah lg kalau dok sembang pasal componentla, 3X9 3way la, 69 way la. no way. i'm not that kind of man, bro. honestly i still dont get it why people willing to spend more than rm10k just for a music? is it the satisfaction? no, i dont know. for me, i'm a racing spirit type of man. i love the engine sound more than music. but....!!
i need an entertainment. of course la. driving 3hours from kluang to kl listening to your own engine will be quite anoying is it? so, this new machine i've change my rules a bit (abit la)...
the reason why is because i got this car with cap ayam brand vcd/cd/mp3 player with lousy radio reception (huh~!) althou my proton saga equip with mp3/cd/cdr/cdrw player imported from germany (buy it from my friend who working there). buat malu la pakai honda tp player cap ayam.
then, i went to survey for a player. then... this is what i bought...
then equip my mid bass + tweeter from cap ayam also (with crossover) , because i need some bass. this sony player got very crystal clear sound aih... no bass. must put some. mustt!!
then , today i went for a window shopping after change my engine oil (i'm using idemitsu honda vtec lev semi-syn k) . after discussing with the seller. he poison me (racun la !) with this so hot flat black 6" X 9" JBL GT5-963 speaker (the price? dont ask). try it. love it. take it . install it. pay it. drive it home. [pull stop]

Bercakap pasal sistem audio nie aku bukanlah seorang yang pakar. apatah lg kalau dok sembang pasal componentla, 3X9 3way la, 69 way la. no way. i'm not that kind of man, bro. honestly i still dont get it why people willing to spend more than rm10k just for a music? is it the satisfaction? no, i dont know. for me, i'm a racing spirit type of man. i love the engine sound more than music. but....!!
i need an entertainment. of course la. driving 3hours from kluang to kl listening to your own engine will be quite anoying is it? so, this new machine i've change my rules a bit (abit la)...
the reason why is because i got this car with cap ayam brand vcd/cd/mp3 player with lousy radio reception (huh~!) althou my proton saga equip with mp3/cd/cdr/cdrw player imported from germany (buy it from my friend who working there). buat malu la pakai honda tp player cap ayam.
then, i went to survey for a player. then... this is what i bought...
kinky ehhh..... hehehehe

then , today i went for a window shopping after change my engine oil (i'm using idemitsu honda vtec lev semi-syn k) . after discussing with the seller. he poison me (racun la !) with this so hot flat black 6" X 9" JBL GT5-963 speaker (the price? dont ask). try it. love it. take it . install it. pay it. drive it home. [pull stop]

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Bil sakit....
td aku telah pergi amik kete. Alhamdulillah dh siap. siap basuh lg kete aku. merelip relip hehehe..
untuk sekarang kena running in dulu. bwk ilek2. huuhhh boring tuila mcm nie. overall ape yg aku buat adalah, fully overhaul engine zc nie, tkr brg2 yg lusuh, tkr mounting kesemua sekali, skim head, skim piston, skim blok... utk kos rm2030 nie korang rasa murah ke mahal? comment plizzz
td aku telah pergi amik kete. Alhamdulillah dh siap. siap basuh lg kete aku. merelip relip hehehe..
nie kos bil sakit cik puteh...
amacam? ada bran kah??
untuk sekarang kena running in dulu. bwk ilek2. huuhhh boring tuila mcm nie. overall ape yg aku buat adalah, fully overhaul engine zc nie, tkr brg2 yg lusuh, tkr mounting kesemua sekali, skim head, skim piston, skim blok... utk kos rm2030 nie korang rasa murah ke mahal? comment plizzz
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Lawatan Ke Bengkel....
lepas keje td, aku dgn housemate aku g melawat cik putih aku nie. sedih2.... saksikanlah gambar dibawah nie.

head dh skim
blok pun dh skim
tunggu nak pasang balik je
enjin mounting pun nak kena tkr
hopefully by end of next week eveything gonna be ok... aku nak balik ampang !!!
oops lupa nak update lg. grill dh pasang. look nice hehehehe.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Grill VIRS/EK9
sempena kereta aku tgh bersemadi dkt bengkel untuk upacara overhaul yg terlampau. brg yg aku anto cat pun dh siap. apakah??
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